Rusty Industrial Junk Garden Decor

July 05, 2015
My junk garden is heavy on old farm junk.  I don't find very much industrial junk, but my sister in law, Kris, has some fun industrial junk in her garden.

Cranesbill Displayed in a Rusty Junky Rim
An old rusty rim encircles a perennial cranesbill in the garden.

Jurassic Begonias & Impatiens Planted in Iron Stove
Here an old iron stove is planted with impatiens and Jurassic begonias.

Heavy Chain Garden Edging With Hen & Chicks
 I love these heavy chain links filled with terracotta pots and hen and chicks.

Heavy Chain Garden Edging With Hen & Chicks
 The links are a fun and unexpected garden edging.

Logging Equipment Parts as Garden Edging
This rusty iron edging was once part of a Drott Feller Buncher (logging equipment), but now it accents a row of dwarf morning glory.

I will be sharing a garden tour of sister in law Kris' garden in mid July! It's always a favorite on my blog!
Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. I LOVE the chain links....actually the whole garden.

  2. Carlene you are a girl after my own heart. Love all the unique rusty pieces of salvage you add to the garden scene. Gives whimsy and uniqueness to the garden. Happy New Week.

  3. A talented family! You gals have a great eye for gardening with junk. The chain links are incredible and the flowers are amazing.

  4. I like the idea of the barrel around the cranesbill as mine seems to spread everywhere!!!

  5. How are all your flowers liking this burst of cool days we are having?

  6. Love, love, love! Once a neighbor across the alley "threw out" some thick, metal rims, and I thought- perfect planters! They were so heavy, I couldn't budge them. They were there for a long time, and I kept thinking about how to get them home! Eventually, they disappeared, much to my dismay!


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