Vintage Garage Sale Level Repurposed Farmhouse Wall Decor
May 05, 2022
This is a photo of a vintage wooden Stanley level I found during the Littlefork, Minnesota, citywide garage sales last summer.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I used for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
The level was actually free inside this large wooden toolbox I purchased for $5.
After giving the level a good wash down with hot soapy Dawn Dish Soap water and a rag, I brushed on one coat of General Finishes Flat Out Flat Topcoat. The water based flat poly darkened the wood. I wanted to darken the wood before I added a decor transfer.
This "Farm To Table" phrase from my Redesign With Prima Delightful Menu decor transfer fit my level almost perfectly.
I cut it out of the transfer sheets, removed the white paper backing, and rubbed it down on the level.
I then brushed on another coat of my General Finishes Flat Out Flat topcoat, and added a small black curled metal hook from Hobby Lobby.
Two sawtooth hangers were added to the back ends of the level.
I love the color of the wood after the poly.
I filled a small bucket, also from Hobby Lobby, with faux boxwood greenery. Details on the cow bucket project can be found HERE.
Another easy project! Thanks for visiting.

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