2019 Annual Junk Garden Tour
Container Gardens,
Garage Sale Finds,
Garden Backdrops,
Garden Junk,
Outdoor Decorating,
Thrift Store Finds,
July 30, 2019
Welcome to my 2019 annual junk garden tour!
The tour seems to be getting later and later in the summer season due to cool springs.
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
As usual, there are annuals, perennials and a few lilies among my junk.
There are signs, funnels, sawhorses, and ladders!
My old wheelbarrow with a tub of nicotiana and a pail of petunias, diascia, and lobelia.
Early morning photos in the front yard.
The buffalo check fan blade flower project details can be found HERE.
The potting sink area on the front patio.
Details on these plantings and the decor can be found HERE.
I just love arranging junk around my container gardens on the patio.
I purchased these two laundry tubs for a buck each, last summer at a garage sale! YAY!
They already had drainage holes for planters!
I think this year's covered patio is one of my favorites!
Many of the stenciled and painted projects' details are contained in my covered patio post HERE.
I gathered my 5 mop buckets in this little garden!
Read about the plantings HERE.
Wax begonias and the Rieger begonia too, did so well this year!
I did have some trouble with deer eating them however!
The Route 66 lid sign is from last year!
This cabin style planting vignette was an idea from last season as well.
The deer have munched on the impatiens here too.
Impatiens, wax begonias, and fuchsias. along with hostas and sedums, fill in under this old tree.
Succulents and sweet alyssum are planted in the deck railing planter, and dianthus are growing in the ground below.
Nasturium plants are kept from spilling all over with two obelisks.
I also keep my plants trimmed if they crowd their neighbors or take over other plants. Even in the perennial bed.
I just love techno heat lobelia and nemesia buckets on the deck!
A fuchsia, wax begonias and impatiens are in this shady corner of the deck along with my rustic birdhouse collection.
These pansies have been a treat this spring and summer! Keeping them dead headed has kept them in bloom.
Details on this planting and the sign are HERE.
I stenciled this old milk can that was a free gift from older church friends.
Details on the milk can stencils can be found HERE.
I added step ladder with blue enamelware containers and annuals in orange and blue.
I am going to take out some of this sedum next season!
More views from the side of the deck/house.
I added a couple stencils to this little, vintage, red, metal, train engine toy.
More wax begonias.
My garden shed.
Purple fountain grass does so well on the corner of the shed, and ferns and begonias thrive on the shady side.
My rickety table is still holding together next to the shed.
This area has been fun to decorate.
This year, with mostly pink annuals.
A dragon wing begonia, wax begonias, seed geraniums, dianthus and junk in the back yard!
I didn't put together a video this year. At least not yet.
Thanks for visiting!
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How beautiful! I love the buffalo plaid painted gas can and those two galvanized washtubs are stunning. You have a real colorblast in your yard! How long - each day or wk - do you work on your flowers? I have about 1600 sq ft of flower beds around my house and it is hard to keep them weeded. Mine are all "in ground" however. I'm thinking I may need to let some grass grow back in and use containers and old tables, chairs, and ladders! That will take a lot of work, though!
ReplyDeleteI weed quite often, before weeds get big. I don't let my perennials or annuals reseed either. I like my garden more orderly. It takes me about 40 minutes to water my flowers with the hose. If I mix miracle gro for some of the flowerpots, it takes even longer.
DeleteEverything looks so wonderful! I know how long it takes me to water my plants, so I can't imagine how long it takes you with all the containers! For me, it's usually fun and relaxing up until about August, when I get sick of all the plants and I'm ready for fall. Just beautiful! Would love to see a picture of the whole house/gardens from afar (well not TOO far :) )
ReplyDeleteI get less interested in August as well. I still water, but deadheading definitely slows down! Thanks!
DeleteI just don't know how you keep all your plants so healthy, they are beautiful! I'm lucky to keep just a few alive, and they get so spindly. Guess that's a green thumb vs no thumb!