Garage Sale Outdoor Baker/Chef Plant Holder & Sempervivum
Container Gardens,
Flower Gardening,
Garage Sale Finds,
Garden Junk,
Old Sign Stencils,
Outdoor Decorating,
May 31, 2019
Last August, I found this chef/baker outdoor plant holder at a garage sale for a dollar.
He had some rust, but still had plenty of fun summer days ahead of him!
Read on to see his summer job!
(When you click on the bold Amazon, Old Sign Stencils or Dixie Belle Paint Company affiliate links you will be taken to the products I use for this project. If you order it does not change the price or service at all. As an Amazon Affiliate, Old Sign Stencils Affiliate or Dixie Belle Paint Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
I couldn't believe that the tray did not have drainage holes.
Three drainage holes were added, with the drill, on each side of the tray.
Next, holes were drilled in each of these muffin/cupcake tins.
Soil and baby Sempervivums (Hen and Chicks) were added to each of the twelve holes.
*Old Sign Stencils provided me with complimentary samples. All opinions about these fabulous stencils are my own.
I used Fusion Mineral Paint in Ash to stencil the words, and Krylon Satin Clear Coating Aerosol to seal the stenciling.
I actually considered painting my chef's hat and apron white, but I loved his rusty, rustic charm!
I hope his baking tray of hen and chicks grow well this summer.
I love finding garden decor at garage sales.
Sempervivums need very little soil to thrive and survive. Below are 12 crazy planting ideas for Hen and Chicks:
1. In barnacles in a terra cotta pot of New Guinea Impatiens.
2. In a vintage muffin tin.
3. In funnels.
4. In iron wheels.
5. In a vintage ice cube tray.
6. In aluminum measuring cups.
7. In a "bird's nest" wire basket hanger.
8. In a vintage, rusty, metal toy sports car.
9. In and among a vintage iron horse shoe game.
10. In old pulleys.
10. In a vintage toaster.
11. In the bottom of a chicken feeder.
12. In a row of miniature terra cotta pots.
Have fun with hen and chicks!

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Love your vintage baker with the muffin tin and sempervivum! Great idea and it looks so cute on the baker's tray. I like the red and yellow colors, too, in his hat and apron. Glad you didn't paint them.I have some sedum planted in an old rusty metal lunchbox - like my dad carried for years and years! Doing well!