Early June Junk Garden Changes & Progress
June 07, 2017
On May 28th, I planted my 2017 junk garden.
This is my junk garden border on June 7th.
On my May 28th post, I diagrammed my plant layout.
I have made a few changes. I moved the stenciled shovel head and planted a Blue Arrows Rush Grass.
Center left of junk garden border May 28th.
On June 7th, you see I moved the Black Eyed Susan vines and added another Marguerite Butterfly Daisy. I had hoped that the vines would climb up the sawhorse but it didn't seem to be working. The boards were just too wide for them to twine around.
May 28th center right of junk garden border.
I added more Giant Benary Zinnias at the back of the border.
May 28th right side of junk garden.
I moved the Benary zinnias to the back center of the border and placed a galvanized pail with a trellis and the Black Eyed Susan Vines.
Planting day May 28th.
June 7 in the junk garden border!
I hope you enjoyed the updates! It's okay to move things around in the garden that are not working!

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