Garden Junk on the Covered Patio

April 30, 2014
I am soooooo ready to get outside and GARDEN!  While I wait impatiently for spring to come to northern Minnesota, I am busy finding new garden junk!

A junkin' friend of mine that paints Mann Made Signs, and is a part owner of a local, antique shop gave me this old wooden ice cream freezer!

 That's right!  This was free GARDEN JUNK.  It needed a little TLC, but I think it's going to make a great planter for the junk garden.

 This is how the broken and rickety sides are held together, little wooden braces.  

Because the drill wouldn't fit inside the freezer to sink the screws, I ended up going through the outside (and the screws show).  I googled this FRE-ZEE-ZEE Freezer Deluxe and did not find even one exactly like it with the squarish shape, and outer red handles.  I love it's chippy blue paint.

Garden Junk on the Covered Patio
We have an anniversary sale going on at work so I borrowed some daisies to stage my new planter.

Garden Junk on the Covered Patio

Garden Junk on the Covered Patio

Garden Junk on the Covered Patio
Here are more of my new summer garden junk finds.  A chippy red lantern, vintage geranium canisters, and a large (1960's) seed packet framed in a barn wood frame.

Garden Junk on the Covered Patio

Garden Junk on the Covered Patio
Time to go in and warm up!!!!!! It's only about 40 degrees outside!

The ice cream freezer also worked well with a plastic hanging basket inside.

Thanks for reading my blog, Carlene

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  1. The freezer makes a great planter, Carlene. The chippy blue paint is really wonderful. What a shame that you still have such cool temperatures. Hopefully it will get warmer soon, so that you can play more in your garden.

  2. Im convinced you can make anything look great! :) Hoping warmer weather is headed your way. Wish I could share our 92 degrees with you!

    Happy Hump Day...

  3. That is so great. Wood really won't last here in AZ, but I love that idea! Your little porch is so cute!

  4. What a pretty vintage porch vignette! I especially love the geranium canisters.

  5. Love the ice cream freezer as a flower looks great. Hope it warms up there, so that you can get outside to play in your flower gardens.

  6. Fun! Clever new planter for your porch.

  7. I live in Minnesota too, and we are 'impatiently' waiting for spring to arrive! I love your porch vignette and the ice cream freezer turned flower box is so creative!

  8. Carlene,
    This is super cute. Love your vignette with the ice cream freezer box. That is really so pretty. Hopefully we will all start to see some better temps soon.
    Have a great day.

  9. Carlene this will really cute in your garden. 40 degrees, you must really be ready for warmer temperatures. How long do you have warm weather for and gardening time?


  10. What an adorable flower pot....I love it!!

  11. I simply must apologize for overpinning from your wonderful BlogSpot-I am disabled & today am in a lot of pain & just pinning great ideas takes my mind off the nagging aches! Again, my apologies- I got carried away, especially with your seasonal & holiday ideas.


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